We all know that the food we consume can affect our health, positively and negatively.

But what effect does the the information we consume have on our lives? What is your information diet?

Just like with foods, your goals determine the best choice. What’s the purpose? To decompress, de-stress, relax, and laugh? To stay informed on the current events? To learn?

Just like with foods, use high quality sources. What do you read, listen to and watch? In the past few years I’ve been reading a lot of academic literature. I generally find the academic books and articles to be denser, more precise, and overall higher quality than the popular books.

Just like with foods, variety is good. Regardless of what topic you’re reading about, it’s always a good idea to consider multiple sources. Scientifically, a meta-analysis is always better than a single study.

And lastly, just like with foods, too much of it is a bad thing. Make sure you take a break, and give some other areas of your life, such as your closest relationships, the gift of your full attention.

P.S. Here are the books I’m currently reading.